Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is simply the wear and tear of the intervertebral disc, most commonly acquired genetically or due to repeated microtrauma to the neck or back. This most often leads to a broad constellation of symptoms including back and neck pain, shooting pain down the arms and legs, leg heaviness, difficulty walking and impaired hand dexterity.

Treatment options for Degenerative Disc Disease may include: Surgery, steroid injections or other medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or muscle relaxers. Read more

Disc Herniation

Disc herniation, also known as a “ruptured” disc, is a condition where the softer inner material of the intervertebral disc pushes through the tougher outer material into the spinal canal. It can occur spontaneously or can be caused by a traumatic event. A disc herniation in and of itself can cause significant back pain which in most cases self-resolves after several weeks. However when the disc touches or pushes on the nerve, shooting pain down the legs (sciatica) or arms ensues, which can be debilitating and require specialized attention.

Treatment options for disc herniation may include: Epidural steroid injections, which may relieve symptoms and allow healing. If pain persists over an extended period of weeks, lumbar or cervical spine surgery may be necessary. Read more 

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint dysfuction is improper movement of the joints at the bottom of the spine that connect the sacrum to the pelvis, which results in pain and inflammation. People with SI Joint dysfunction can experience impaired function of the lower back and legs. It is important to note that SI Joint pain symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions of the lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip, and you’ll need an SI Joint examination to properly diagnose the origin of the pain.

Treatment options for SI Joint Dysfunction may include: Steroid injections, SI joint fusion surgery


Pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in the leg caused by injury or compression on the lumbar spinal nerve.

Treatment options for sciatica: Spinal injections, nerve root blocks, hot and cold therapy, physical therapy, endoscopic surgery. Read more


Adult degenerative scoliosis is a form of scoliosis where vertebral rotation pulls the spine laterally, causing it to deviate from its normal position into an S or C shaped curve. Degenerative scoliosis is often painful, and if the curve is severe, it can restrict lung expansion and compromise breathing.

Treatment options may include: Non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, hot or cold compresses, or epidural spinal injections may provide temporary or adequate relief. Read more

Surgical procedures may be warranted to correct the curvature of the spine, including the use of screws and rods, for more permanent resolution. Read more

Spinal Fractures

A dislocation or breakage of vertebrae in the back bone, often resulting in spinal instability and intractable pain.

Compression fractures are “crush” fractures of the vertebral body causing it to lose its optimal height. Such injuries most commonly occur in the elderly due to weakened bones or osteoporosis. People with this injury often report sharp pain localized in the mid or low back exacerbated by activity.

Treatment for spinal fractures: The mainstay of treatment is non-surgical with bone-strengthening medications, pain medications, and physical therapy. However if these treatments don’t provide relief, minimally invasive techniques may be used to help alleviate the symptoms.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within the spinal column, which can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Some people with spinal stenosis may have no symptoms, while others may experience pain, tingling, and muscle weakness. Symptoms may worsen over time as Stenosis is often caused by changes in the spine related to osteoarthritis.

Treatment options for Spinal Stenosis may include:
Steroid injections, surgery (laminectomy, laminotomy, laminoplasty). Read more

Tumors of the Brain or Spine

A brain tumor is a growth of cells in the brain or near it. Types include primary, secondary, and gliomas. Read more

Spinal tumors are growths on the spine that can lead to pain, neurological problems and sometimes paralysis.

Spinal metastases are tumors in the spine that have spread from a cancer originating elsewhere in the body. They can lead to compression fractures or spinal cord compression, resulting in neurological damage.

Treatment options: Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or pain medication, followed by physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy. Surgery is performed if the tumor can be partially or completely removed safely.

Type I Chiari Malformation

Tonsils of the brain bulge through the opening at the base of the skull where it joins the spinal canal, affecting the normal flow of fluid around the brain and spinal cord. As the opening at the base of the skull is crowded, a patient may experience nausea, vomiting, black-out episodes, paresthesias (numbness), weakness, or unsteady walking. Because these symptoms are common to so many other conditions, type I chiari malformation is often misdiagnosed by physicians unfamiliar with the condition.

Treatment: Decompression surgery to remove a small piece of the spine or skull in order to relieve pressure.

Do you have a condition that is not listed above?

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Neck Pain

Neck pain may be the result of tension in the muscles that support your neck, also known as your cervical spine. However, if your pain becomes chronic and starts interfering with your quality of life, you may have an underlying health condition that needs medical attention.

Common causes of chronic neck pain include arthritis, infection, herniated disc, nerve compression or degenerative disc disease. You may also develop persistent neck pain due to an injury or trauma to the neck, perhaps from participation in sports, or an auto accident.

Treatment options for Neck Pain may include: Steroid injections, muscle relaxants, radio frequency ablation, anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, surgery to remove pressure.

Back Pain

In many cases, back pain develops due to your everyday activities, such as heavy lifting or standing for long periods of time. Other common causes of chronic lower back pain include poor posture, herniated disc, muscle sprains, lack of exercise or nerve compression.

For some, chronic back pain results from an underlying disease, like osteoarthritis, that causes deterioration in your spinal vertebrae. You may also develop chronic lower back pain due to age-related changes in the spine, such as spinal stenosis. This condition causes your spine to narrow over time, putting increased pressure on surrounding nerves.

In addition to pain, underlying disease or injury can cause symptoms like burning, tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, or recurrent headaches. If your nerves are under pressure from a damaged disc or another issue, pain can radiate from your neck down into your arms and hands. This can make it difficult to grasp objects or have full use of your hands and fingers.

Treatment options for back pain may include: Steroid injections, muscle relaxants, radio frequency ablation, anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, surgery to remove pressure.